The Bollywood film “Hamare Baarah” has been embroiled in controversy since its trailer release on May 30. The film, which stars Annu Kapoor and Manoj Joshi, was accused of hurting the sentiments of the Muslim community and misrepresenting the Quran. This led to a petition being filed in court seeking a stay on its release, originally scheduled for June 7. The Bombay High Court deferred the release until June 14.
In response to the controversy, actor Manoj Joshi, who plays a lawyer in the film, asserted that the movie does not target any specific religion. Instead, he stated that it focuses on respect for women and discusses various topics such as education, upbringing, employment, women’s empowerment, and population. He urged everyone to watch the film with their families.
Annu Kapoor also reacted to the controversy, urging people to watch the film before judging it. He emphasized that films are a make-believe world and his job as an artist is to justify his art.
In the latest development, the Karnataka government banned the film for two weeks or until further notice under the Karnataka Cinema Regulations Act 1964, to prevent any potential communal tension. This decision was made following requests from minority organizations after viewing the film’s trailer.
The film tells the story of a man named Manzoor Ali Khan Sanjari who continues to have children with his second wife, despite losing his first wife to childbirth and ignoring the doctor’s advice of abortion when her sixth pregnancy becomes life-threatening. His elder daughter Alfiya takes her father to court demanding an abortion to save her stepmother. The film is directed by Kamal Chandra and also stars Ashwini Kalsekar, Parth Samthaan, and Paritosh Tripathi.
Source: Conversation with Copilot