As we traverse the path of life, our mind is greatly affected by the world we live in. We are affected both positively and negatively by people, objects and places. Everything we see, hear, taste, touch and smell leaves an impression on the mind. The effect of sights and sounds of the world may help or hinder your progress in the journey of life. For this reason, you must exercise caution in matters involving the mind.
It is quite surprising that in this day and age where a wealth of information is at our fingertips, so many are utterly unaware of the connection between food and mind, and between food and various illnesses. What you eat and drink nourishes not only the body but also the mind. Pure and fresh food results in pure thoughts. Impure and stale food contaminates the mind. Therefore, refrain from eating impure food.
Sounds can inspire and encourage. They can also bring about the opposite effect. Words incite violence but they also bring peace. They can make you laugh, and they can make you cry. Be proactive and choose to listen to words that soothe the mind and calm it down. These days, listening to the daily news is enough to wreak havoc on the mind, which is becoming more and more desensitized to violence. The mind needs relief and protection from impurities. Therefore, make time to listen to words that encourage the mind to think pure and holy thoughts.
Isolate yourself now and then from the sights and sounds of the world. Just as a tender plant needs protection from the elements, the mind too needs protection from worldly influences. Take your body and mind to a serene environment, even for a weekend.
Commit to a simple life
What do a baby, an ascetic and a monk have in common? They all enjoy a simple life. ls a simple life not available to everyone? Is it a privilege given to a few? No; it is for anyone who wishes peace and contentment.
Accumulation of material possessions provides fulfillment for a short time, but culminates in dissatisfaction and an insatiable hunger for more and more. Sooner or later, the mind craves to be free from ever-increasing worldly cravings, and longs for peace and simplicity.
However, it is not sufficient to be externally simple. In fact, life will not become simple externally unless you practice inner simplicity. This simplicity is a byproduct of contemplating the eternal reality that our essence is the soul, and the realization that the soul receives no satisfaction whatsoever through material possessions.
As the knowledge of the •self• becomes deeper, you will automatically feel like downsizing and simplifying your life. Now the connection to the soul becomes stronger while relationship with the world becomes healthier. You will appreciate and enjoy Nature’s bounties more than before. Simple pleasures of life that had been overshadowed by the constant chatter of social media, will provide immense satisfaction to the mind.
Commit to a simple life and discover the immense joys it can give you.
Nourishing power of love
Love is a healer like no other. It picks you up when you are down. lt gives inspiration when all seems lost. Love gives confidence when you most need it. It is a tonic that provides an instant boost of energy.
I speak not of superficial expressions of love communicated on social media through cute emoji’s, but of a deep love which is kind, patient and understanding. The kind a teenager needs from her parents as she lashes out at them. The loving mother interprets the teenage daughter’s hateful words and venomous behavior as, “I am frustrated, and I don’t know how to deal with life right now. I know I am safe with you, and I know you will tolerate my rudeness. You also know I don’t hate you.”
A man shows love for his family by washing the dishes and changing the baby’s diaper. A wife shows love for her husband by cooking him a hot meal. A man should not confuse taking care of the infant with ‘babysitting’ the child. Babysitting is a job; taking care of the child is a responsibility and an act of love. A woman should not confuse lovingly taking care of her husband with slavery.
Children raised with love grow up to be well-rounded and secure adults. They become confident in who they are. A strong foundation of love allows us all to add beautiful layers to our individual personalities.
Raise the alarm
You may be using a daily alarm to help you remember when to take your medication. An alarm reminds you to take cookies out of the oven, call your mother, or to go to your daughter’s school to volunteer. There are many ways in which alarms help us live a more organized life.
You may be using a daily alarm to help you remember when to take your medication. An alarm reminds you to take cookies out of the oven, call your mother, or to go to your daughter’s school to volunteer. There are many ways in which alarms help us live a more organized life.
For me, the best use of the alarm is as a reminder of God. Try it if you are not already doing so. Set up the alarm on your phone, another gadget or on your alarm clock. Set it on an hourly basis, and associate the sounding of the alarm with God. Each time the alarm rings, visualize God in the way you find comfortable. It’s very important to visualize Him. Bow before Him in your mind, and then get back to work. Next time when the alarm sounds, visualize God and thank Him from your heart. Then get back to work. An hour later, the alarm will sound once again. This time, tell Him how happy you are to belong to Him. Then get back to work.
After a few days or weeks of this practice, set your alarm to sound every 45 minutes. Your mind will now be reminded more frequently to think about the Divine Beloved. You will happily notice that now the mind is automatically thinking of God every so often even without the alarm. Your mind is forming a habit, and this is a most gratifying feeling.
Practice diligently and you will find over time that there is no need to set the alarm, as your mind has become accustomed to thinking of God throughout the day.
Protect your earnings
Some people earn a lot but spend more than they earn. Not only are they unable to save, they end up incurring a large debt. Some people earn a little but manage to save a substantial amount over a period of time. These individuals spend a lot less than they earn. They are wiser of the two.
Just as it is with material wealth, devotional wealth must be earned more and more, while we try to spend (waste) less and less of it. We must protect our devotional wealth vigorously, not giving in to the vices that steal it away from us.
Suppose you have meditated on God for half an hour. Consider this to be your earning. When you gossip with a coworker, family member or a neighbor, you are spending. By thinking kind and good thoughts you accumulate spiritual wealth but lose it all by criticizing others and by bringing impure thoughts into the mind.
Some people earn a lot but spend more than they earn. Not only are they unable to save, they end up incurring a large debt. Some people earn a little but manage to save a substantial amount over a period of time. These individuals spend a lot less than they earn. They are wiser of the two.
Just as it is with material wealth, devotional wealth must be earned more and more, while we try to spend (waste) less and less of it. We must protect our devotional wealth vigorously, not giving in to the vices that steal it away from us.
Suppose you have meditated on God for half an hour. Consider this to be your earning. When you gossip with a coworker, family member or a neighbor, you are spending. By thinking kind and good thoughts you accumulate spiritual wealth but lose it all by criticizing others and by bringing impure thoughts into the mind.
To maximize spiritual earning, you must do two things. First, think good and Godly thoughts. Secondly, take care not to spend too much. Take precautions. Do not read literature that will rob you of pure thoughts. Refuse to watch damaging material via movies, TV, video games and the internet. Do not eat food that will encourage worldly thoughts. Do not spend time with people who will affect your mind negatively.
Note: You may direct your spiritual questions to me directly at